Monday, February 25, 2013

Music Monday!

Am I going to to spam you with multiple posts in a day?

Yes. Yes I am.


Because today is a special, special day for music and one special inhabitant of Fort Worth, Texas.

Ten years ago, my favorite album was released.
If you're familiar with me, you probably already know that this album is Calendar Days by The Rocket Summer (Bryce Avary).
And if you're familiar with me, you know where this is going. 

I'm nerding out today to tell you why each and every song on here is special to me. Because they all are. They're all amazing. 

In the words of my favorite comedian Jerry Seinfeld, "Let's start the insanity!"

Track One: 
Cross My Heart
Favorite Musical Element: Upbeat tempo. It's really good to listen to first thing in the morning to get you going. The sound is so poppy! I like it! 
Favorite Lyric: "I know everything went wrong, okay. But now's the time to get to better days. 'Cause I don't wanna keep acting this way."
Why I Like It: I like to use this song as a mission statement for bettering myself and my situation. The upbeat nature of this track really gets my heart to a good place. It's fun to sing along with as well! But this entire album is like that. 

Track Two:
Skies So Blue 
Favorite Musical Element: Moar uplifting tonalities. Everything about this song is pop. And it's so great. 
Favorite Lyric: "I'm sorry I sound glad, but why always be so sad?"
Why I Like It: There's no way you can't be in a good mood after listening to this song. There's just no way. This track is so uplifting and poppy that it makes you feel like sunshine. I mean, seriously? Why always be sad? The sky's such a sweet blue! 

Track Three:
This Is Me
Three is me! Haha. Ok. That's done. 
Favorite Musical Element: The piano riff at the beginning sounds so cool. It's always been my favorite part of the song.  
Favorite Lyric: "Just remember what's right for me may be not right for you." 
Why I Like It: Recognize the title? Another mission statement song. "I know what I want to do and I want it to be true." This is the exact reason for this blog. It's like the lyrics of every one of these songs were written for me. 

Track Four:
Favorite Musical Element: I think this song really showcases Bryce's talent on the drums (he writes and performs EVERYTHING. He's so talented I could die). His fills are super catchy and I can't help but bounce around like a four year old who's had one too many Oreos. 
Favorite Lyric: "I need to think this time is time for me and you to be a phrase that I would always use in the context like I belong to you."
Why I Like It: Who doesn't wish it were Saturday every day? It's a good Wednesday song. Wednesday has always been my least favorite day of the week. I always think, "Man, everything would be better if it were Saturday." And then this song gets stuck in my head. See? Perfect. 

Track Five: 
She's My Baby
Favorite Musical Element: I love the way he plays with meter in this song. 
Favorite Lyric: "Here's how it sounds to be let down..."
Why I Like It: It's a really cute song (I assume about his wife). I love how the older I get the more I understand the lyrics to these songs. This song is really, really sweet. D'awwwwwwww!! 

Track Six:
That's So You
Favorite Musical Element: This melody is AMAZING for harmonizing. This is why I listen to a ton of male singer-songwriters. I love to harmonize. 
Favorite Lyric: "So thanks for your help. You shine so bright. You are the star that's in my sky. I am yours and you are mine."
Why I Like It: I have always loved a good love song. And this is a good love song. It's so sweet! For a long time, this was my favorite song on the album. It's still amazing, but I switch favorites so often because I keep discovering things in other songs and obsessing over them for a while. 

Track Seven:
Mean Thoughts and Cheap Shots
Favorite Musical Element: There's a fun piano interlude toward the middle of the song. 
Favorite Lyric: "We will show the world just how we passed this test. And we will show the world we're better than this mess."
Why I Like It: This is my "everybody's being mean to me!" song. It really helps me feel better when I'm having a rough time with someone else or myself. I use it as a reminder that I am better than that. I really love being encouraged by music in this way. 

Track Eight:
Movie Stars and Super Models
Favorite Musical Element: The rhythm section. YES. 
Favorite Lyric: "And a sparkle is the reflection in my eye."
Why I Like It: I dig the message in this song. I just really dig this guy's honesty in his lyrics. He sees that by observing the lives of other people on TV and such, he's not looking at his own life and is therefore unsatisfied with it. It's a good reminder to watch what you watch. 

Track Nine:
What We Hate, We Make
Favorite Musical Element: UM. EVERYTHING. But for real, my favorite thing is the tinkly (that's the word that came into my head, guys. Judge all you want) melody in the piano. Guhhhhh I die every time. My heart. It makes my heart feel. And I can't give it words. 
Favorite Lyric: You mean I have to CHOOSE??? "I'm breaking my heart tonight so you can see what's inside."
Why I Like It: This song has been with me for so many things. I could write pages on how many situations this song has helped me through. I can't put this information into words. All I can say is if there is any song on this album that you must listen to, it is this one. I wish I could have you feel what it makes me feel. It's so good. Some people may think it's absolutely ridiculous that a song that some random guy wrote could have this much of an influence on me, but it's true. This song. Is the best song. 

Track Ten: 
TV Family
Favorite Musical Element: I really like the xylophone he adds into the chorus. And then the guitar riff in the second verse. 
Favorite Lyric: "I don't know much but I know we will be happy as a TV family. Except times infinity."
Why I Like It: Again, I dig his honesty and I feel like this is an honest song about his faith. In the words of my friend Randy, Bryce really knows how to "be about it". I feel like this album is about who Bryce is and his faith is definitely part of that. 

You guys, I had so much fun listening to this album about four times and writing about my love for it. I really hope you give this guy's music a listen. He's on Spotify and he's brilliant. He's also going on tour in April, so you should go check him out! He puts on a crazy good show. He's from Fort Worth, so he always makes a Dallas stop. It's not even that far! 

Now that I'm done advertising... Well, I'm just done. See you round, Internet friendz! 

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