Monday, March 11, 2013

Gettin' Crafty

One of my favorite things to do is to listen to good music and paint. I'd been out of ideas for a week or two, but I was dying to get creative! Thanks to pinterest, I've seen tons of painted cutoffs. Roughly 90% of my shorts are cutoffs, so this project was perfect for me.

So I broke out the brushes and acrylics and got to work. The original idea was to use white and purple for the stripes, but this bright red caught my eye and wasn't going to leave me alone. My lovely facebook and Twitter friends told me to put stars on the butt, which was a fantastic idea. I'm so proud of the way these turned out. Too bad it's cold. I want to wear them RIGHT MEOW!

So there you have it. My new-,ish shorts! Thanks for reading, Internet!

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