Monday, February 25, 2013

[Ch'i]s Louise!

Recently, John and I have gotten into Feng Shui. We redesigned his entire apartment according to various guidelines and secrets we found in Feng Shui books. Over the past few days, I've been rearranging my apartment in order to add more energy into my life. 

I'm reading a book called Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter. This book gives detailed information into all aspects of Feng Shui and has a chapter devoted to each of the nine guas, or areas of the home which pertain to a specific aspect of life. The first chapter is about the prosperity gua, or the back left corner of your home or room. By adding or removing different items from your prosperity gua, you can either help or hurt your prosperity in life. Prosperity is not solely focused on money and material goods, but if you do wish to have a little extra cash to spend on luxuries, this is the place to focus that energy. 

I won't go into all the details of what should and should not be found in you prosperity corner, but I will share something I made for mine! One of the "power tools" for prosperity and abundance is running water. A fountain or a fish bowl would be the most effective way to energize the flow of money in you life, but the way my apartment is designed, I lack the space for one. Instead, I decided to use symbolism and create my own image of running water. I chose to paint a symbol of running water because I would like for my own creativity to be abundant (but let's be real. I could use some extra cash). I want art, music, and other creative things to flow from me freely. I want art to be my livelihood. 

And so, the image above is the painting of running water I made to hang in my prosperity corner. Let's hope it brings much artistic inspiration and income into my life! :D 

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