Friday, September 11, 2015

Challenging Your Creativity

I believe that most, if not all, people have a creative side. I see a lot of people posting about getting "adult coloring books"--a new fad in which I surprisingly have not participated. Doing something creative, be it music, art, photography, carpentry, etc. is a wonderful outlet for any sort of pent-up energy and emotion.

Oftentimes, especially once we grow up and enter the "real world", we find out creativity stifled. Work takes up our time and energy and it's alarmingly easy, especially for myself, to end up spending all of our free time sitting in front of a TV, binge watching a show we care nothing about. Confession: Today I woke up at 11 and sat in front of my TV until 10:30 pm, only taking a single 30 minute break to shower.  SAD. My life is SAD. The point is: it's easy to make excuses and to feel a lack of energy when it comes to exercising our creativity.

I must admit that I was horrified by my own laziness today. I only get 2 days off each week. I could have done so many things such as LAUNDRY (I'm wearing a dirty work uniform as we speak) or finishing one of my 8 million half-written songs or, oh I don't know, exercising my body. Important things.

I work a night audit shift at a hotel every Thursday night and I have a ton of downtime. Tonight, as I was packing up my things, I decided to pack a sketchbook, colored pencils, and markers. I googled 30-day drawing challenges and chose the one I thought was the most interesting. I'm not very good at drawing, but I enjoy it and I want to get better.

Which brings me to my next point: You don't have to be a genius or a virtuoso to do creative things. You don't even have to show it to anyone else. Your creative outlet can be yours alone, or yours to share with the world. Whatever makes you happy.

To sum up, here are some steps to challenge your creativity:

1. Figure out what you love to do, or pick a new skill you'd like to learn. 
2. Find a 30-day, 90-day, any-amount-of-days challenge or create your own! I chose 30-day as a way to hold myself accountable. 
3. Enjoy yourself and bask in the glory of knowing you've done something worthwhile. Be proud of your work! 

I hope everyone who reads this adds a little fun and creativity to their life. I'm going to try--and I mean really try--to post my drawings as often as possible (I'm not about to make a daily promise when I know I'd never keep that up). I'd love to hear which activity you choose! Feel free to comment!

Happy creating!

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