Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gnocchi Bake, Take One!

Inspired by my roommate Paige Brown, I've made an "I don't want to go grocery shopping" recipe. :] Since I'm moving out in a few days, obviously, I don't want to go buy a crap ton of food, so I decided to see what I could do with the random things in my kitchen.

I found:
A box of gnocchi
Some pasta sauce
Pizza cheese

With these things, I decided to try and make a gnocchi bake. Here is my process:
Preheat oven to 350.
While oven is heating (I like to multitask), boil gnocchi until tender, or as directed on package.
Cut chicken (I used 2 boneless, skinless breasts) into bite sized pieces (I just cooked it raw, and some of it was a little under cooked and I had to nuke it. Next time, I plan on seasoning it with garlic, basil, and other Italian herbs and throwing it on a skillet).
Toss chicken and gnocchi into a baking pan.
Pour the entire--yes, the entire jar/can/what have you of pasta sauce over your chicken and gnocchi and top with as much cheese as you want! I used a pizza blend because that's all I had, but you can use whichever kind you want.
Shove this mess into the oven and let it bake for 30 minutes.

Aside from slightly under cooked chicken, this recipe was a success! I like recipes that are quick and easy to make. I plan on repeating this and perfecting it. Once I get it just the way I want it, I'll share it again.