Saturday, January 18, 2014

An Introduction to Spirituality

Hey, friends. I'm here introducing a blog series I'd like to write.

Recently, I've begun a journey into my own spiritual realm and I'd like to share it with you as I go along.

I believe we are witnessing a global spiritual revolution. Another "enlightenment", so to speak. Think about it--more and more people are seeing truth in what is commonly referred to as "New Age" spirituality (I'm not attaching my beliefs to any one label, I just know that labels can be helpful and that's the ballpark I fall nearest to). This revolutionary spiritual perspective has taken its truths from major world religions including, but not limited to, Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

This avenue of thought is universal while also being very personal. It is so complex and multifaceted that I could never fully grasp it, much less try and explain it in a single blog post. I'll share what I have found to be true. My personal spiritual perspective is brand new, though it has been in development for twenty-three years.

I believe we are all members of one consciousness, divided only by the fact that we are in physical human bodies, and these bodies came with an ego. Thus, the universality and individuality existing simultaneously. When I think about all of us being members of One, life and everything about life is given a beauty that language could never accurately express. Every animal, every plant, every rock and body of water becomes so precious.

This notion gives the saying "treat others how you would like to be treated" more gravity. This means, everything you do, everything you say, everything you think, you are doing, saying, and thinking to or about yourself. Doesn't that just make you want to emit nothing but love and kindness?

Now, you can't be a thing and not experience negativity. There are tons of fluffy, flowery things I can say, but that doesn't mean I'm just ignoring the negativity and I don't believe you can be immune to it. You will encounter bad energy and you will experience unpleasantries is life. The secret is how you deal with it. And this is the challenge for every living being. It's not easy.

And that's the basics of what I believe. Seems simple--and it is--but it's highly complex.

Some of the things I hope to address in this series include:
Dealing with negativity
Scientific explanations
God and the divinity within yourself
Caring for yourself
Caring for the earth
Fitting in with society

And any other realizations I may stumble upon.

One thing to remember, though, is that this is my personal experience, and that it could never match yours. You may come to similar conclusions or completely different ones. Just don't take anything I say as an absolute authority. You'll find that within yourself. :)
